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Auto theft is a high risk business, but I guess it’s a job good enough for someone like me.

I always taking care of newbies, because somehow I could see my younger self in them.

Young and reckless, immersed in the sweetness of love, as if nothing in the world could stop them from pursuing riches and happiness.

Unknowing about the impending danger, and blindly walk into the abyss.

I have no regret doing what I do. Men like us can’t really expect to have a happy ending. But deep inside I still care about my wife and kids…

…and proud of my daughter.

Folk like me brought nothing but trouble with them, and sometimes stay away from what you hold dear is best for everyone.

I paid my debt and did my time, expecting a fresh start to atone for the family I’ve wronged.

I never would have expected what I would see at the KA club …

…My own daughter…