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New Teaser for Enter The KA Club 2

Since Dofan's prechasing page reveals almost nothing about the plot of this comics, we decided to make our own teaser trailer to provide more information about the comic before linking to their prechasing page.

You can access the teaser trailer by clicking on the cover on the home page or the link below.  please leave your opinion in this post, we would like to hear your valuable feedback, thank you. 

Enter The KA Club 1 teaser

Enter The KA Club 2 teaser


Nimrod009 and NeRon have reacted to this post.

I finished both comics and admired the creativity of the authors. I'm a big fan. Can you give us any details on how CARLA and vikki will end or how the story will develop? Or describe the plan for the new comic and outline the story? 

Any plans on drawing Carla's training?

NeRon has reacted to this post.

Carla and Vikke will be around in the future Enter the KA Club series, there will be some spin-off short comics to show more details of what happens to them inside the KA Club.

NeRon has reacted to this post.

It's exciting and I can't wait to see carla's training at Ka Club

I found that different scenes in KA Club, different characters will wear different uniforms, what is the name of these uniforms?

NeRon has reacted to this post.

The white outfit is the standard uniform for KA Attendants.
The black outfit is the instructor's uniform.
Apart from that, everyone has their own unique prostitution costume.

NeRon has reacted to this post.

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