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Going into the new year what do you have planned for 2024?

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Quote from xxfluffydeathxx on September 30, 2024, 5:35 pm

Any idea why dofantasy would wait so long to release RiT&C2 when it's been almost a year?

Rit&C2 has been released by Dofan on January 19th 2024.

I'm retarded lolĀ 

How far are we from the next comic?

Sarenaph have the dialogue script at this moment, once we have the finished script returned from him we will deliver it to Dofan.

I see we have an excellent new post in the gallery, does that mean enter the ka club 2 is finished?

"RiT&C3" will hopefully be released in 2024. I can't wait to see how Julia and Sophie's story progresses.

Yes, Enter the KA club 2 is finished and delivered.

Unfortunately RiT&C3 is not our active project at this moment, it definitely will not be released in 2024.

Will there be new comics released this year? What series will the next comic be from? When will RiT&C3 be released?

Enter The KA club 2 will be published by DOfan soon.

There is no time table for RiT&C3 at this moment.

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