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Going into the new year what do you have planned for 2023?

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I just delivered the finished comic to Dofan.

Hopefully, they will publish it soon.

Surrenderdorathy1, Mallez -R-Christo and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
Surrenderdorathy1Mallez -R-ChristoSmookJohnLongJonsonNimrod009sim1997

Can't f*cking wait!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Looks incredible as always, lovely to see Julia again.

Surrenderdorathy1, Mallez -R-Christo and sim1997 have reacted to this post.
Surrenderdorathy1Mallez -R-Christosim1997

I can't wait to read it either.

The cover itself looks brutal. It looks like Sophie is going to have a very bad time in the hands of the insidious Julia.

Surrenderdorathy1 has reacted to this post.

O boy, I can't wait for this one. It's cool to see a comic explorer intrigue between the slaves. Looks like Julia is going to be the villain of this one. I think that's very appropriate considering she use to be a lawyer. This is going to be on the same level as Jane's nightmare, a fun side story that I can endlessly go back to for some good sadistic sex and bondage.ย 

LongJonson has reacted to this post.

Looks great! Canโ€™t wait.

Objection Overruled: Betrayal is published.

Please use the links from this website to Dofan when purchasing it which will give me extra earnings from the affiliation program.

Thank you very much.



butter has reacted to this post.

I just finished watching objection Overruled 3, the painting style and content are so wonderful. Can't wait for the next Red in Tooth and Claw 2.

Kittyhand has reacted to this post.
Quote from Kittyhand on February 9, 2023, 5:07 am

Objection Overruled: Betrayal is published.

Please use the links from this website to Dofan when purchasing it which will give me extra earnings from the affiliation program.

Thank you very much.



How does this link work? After clicking, it transfers me to the product page but the URL is stripped of any referral (before clicking add to cart). Moreover, is it just me, or is the payment system horrible (where is PayPal?)?

It still counts even though the URL of the product page is not showing my id.ย 

I believe Paypal's policy is not to provide service to any merchant porn related.

I knew from the beginning I was probably going to really enjoy this one. I quite enjoy KHs other side story Jane's nightmare. It's nice to jump in a story where you already know all the characters and their situations and the author can just cut to the action. However calling this a mer side story is a huge disservice. This comic covers so much stuff in-between OO1 and OO2 they even intersect with each other. Scenes from Rit&C are also revisited I'll be it from Julia's perspective. KH waists absolutely no time in this one. Every page of every frame down to the strokes of the pen are ecstasy for the eyes. If you want a comic with a rich boy in his eyes wide shut harem this is it. The scene where Julia has to fuck Sophie with the double sided strap-on is pure bliss. I'll just say I'll be revisiting this comic for a very long time. Maybe in a perfect world KH would release a super cut of Objection Overruled and Red in Tooth and Claw. Also highly recommend Jane's nightmare if you haven't already. These slaves get fucked up and we get to enjoy every moment.

My only note is that I hope we get to have more stories set in China in the future. It's such a great setting that KH presents so beautifully.

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