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Characters with potential for stories?

As I finished re-reading Backyard Garden II (great KH comic by the way), I couldn't help but ask myself the following questions, what happened Emily? Why was she fighting with Chistine? In the end, did the Douglas Family find out that Christine sold part of the mansion's paintings? And was Leslie really Jimmy's mother?

Although, the plot of the Gardener blackmailing Christine and Anne could have ended, especially for the latter (with that ending "forgiving" Jimmy), I think there are characters that could still be used for other stories.

Emily, Christine & Leslie.

Something tells me that Emily was going to have a slightly more relevant role in BYGII, but that KH could not find a way to involve her in the story, without preventing the latter from being too overloaded. It's a shame, since Emily has a great design, that of a rebellious girl, but without being excessive. Only in a couple of pages she has already shown to have a great firmness to oppose Jimmy, as well as to show affection towards Anne.

In the first part, Emily argues with her sister (Anne) that she would not speak to her mother (Christine) again and then at the beginning of the second part, we find out that she does not have a blood relationship with the rest of her family, but he still has access to his father's money. I think the reason why Emily distanced herself from her stepmother, as well as the badass-girl attitude that she possesses, it's because she may have gone through a traumatic event where she was abused. Christina, thinking that such an event would give her family (and her, especially) a bad reputation, decided to hide it and avoid involving the authorities. A gesture that Emily completely despised and provoked the cause of their breakup.

I think that Emily's backstory would serve to show how she went from being a soft girl to a strong woman and the setting for that plot would be the typical American graduation party, where she wins the title of prom queen, a title that always she has dreamed of getting, and then being drugged by her partner ([SPORTS] team captain) and being abused by him and his friends throughout the school.

Next on my list would be, Christina. Although in BYG he had an arc where little by little he began to enjoy his situation, whether he wants to admit it or not, the truth is that it was somewhat disappointing to see how almost the BYGII plot focused more on Anne than on the culprit for all that situation . I think that the character still gives for more, a plot that shows the complete conversion of her from a lady of high society to a complete nympho addicted to rough sex. An arc that shows Christine, despite having freed herself from the Gardeners' blackmail, eager to be subdued by the lower class. Being abused, both physically and verbally by them, to the point where her fate leads her to the KAClub and she decides to work for them, either as a stripper or a prostitute. It would even be ironic, since, unlike the other slaves in the club, Christina decides to give up the opportunity to continue leading a normal and wealthy life to voluntarily transform herself into an inveterate sex slave.

And finally, we have Leslie. I have the theory that she was Jimmy's real mother, not John Gardener's wife, but that she was a KAClub slave. I think the reason she was with the Gardeners is because John, somehow, was able to win a game of poker against one of the Club bosses. It would make sense, as that would explain why Leslie looked so reluctant in BYGII and she was always being restrained. She could have an interesting backstory, she could be John's former employer, who was captured by the Club members as payment for the game; an inspector, who disappeared while investigating the club or, why not, a law enforcement officer. Who knows? She could even be used as a witness to testify against the KAClub mob, once the police "released her" after going to the Gardener house (at the end of BYGII).

And you? What characters do you think would have an interesting story to tell? I would like to read your opinions.


[Well, this is all I have. I'm sorry if I come across as an arrogant user who thinks he can write, and even draw, better comics than KH. I clarify that this is not the case at all (unfortunately, I hate everything I write). I simply wanted to present these ideas, since, being new to the page, I felt that I should "contribute something". My good wishes to KH, I think you are an incredible author and I can't wait to see your next comics (I still have to buy the rest of the Classmates issues). Oh, and I'm sorry for my English. It's not my native language, and I'm actually using Google Translate to write this. Sorry.]


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